
Posts Tagged ‘Chicago’

Sister Kaite and bruce on the dock

Sister Kaite and Her Truly Amazing Bruce on Their Dock from 2008

I have been waaaay too busy to get anything written on here for so long, that an apology is almost out of the question, as it does not work in this situation.

I do however, offer my apology, to any and all of you for the time away, and I hope that you will continue to read what is coming these days.

Now that the apology is out of the way, I would like to say that there are many photos to post from the missing years away from this blog.

Now this being from 2008, we are not tan because we stay inside out of this dangerous sun here in the tropics.

SisterKaite and Bruce as Santa and Mrs Claus 2011

SisterKaite and Bruce as Santa and Mrs Claus 2011

Bruce has quite a hard time with that being a California guy. He has had his days and nights filled with sun since he was born, so now we deal with it, but that is another story for soon to be written.

One of our daughters, the photographer, called us at Christmas in 2011, and said she was shooting Santa Claus and Mrs Claus at the Towne Center here on the island, and to come and help with the set-up for the photos.

All the children were so lovely, even the little ones that cried at the sight of Santa and were so scared of him. I felt so very sorry for them that they were even there.

Yes, these are our sun hats.

People from the “South” know the purpose of these hats with big brims.

Sister Kaite wearing northern hat

Sister Kaite In The North

We are so much more close to the sun here in the tropics, that a hat is almost required.

However, way too many people come down here to lavish in the sun just for a short time and they need to get some sun into their systems to take back up to the cold icy tundra type seasons that they live in.

I remember those days for myself when I was still “on the road” traveling where ever they sent me, trying to stay out of the cold.

I only managed to get in that cold business when I was living in Chicago.

Actually, I was using Chicago mainly as  a home base. We, my band,  were only off work two weeks out of the year, and we all spent it at our family’s homes just so we could see them for a while.

Sister Kaite at "The Little Bar" in Goodland FL

Sister Kaite at “The Little Bar” in Goodland FL 1990 Wearing the “Red Hat” and There is the Dancing “Palm Etta” on the Keyboard too

And, yes it is Christmas time down here when that photo was taken and we still need our hats here at Christmas.

Last year down here on our little island we had 80’s and 90’s through February. We did not get winter or even fall until March of 2013.

We traveled again this year, north to Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Ohio. We were cold at times, and I mean really cold. It got down into the 30’s a couple of nights in the different places we were, especially when we were up in the mountains.

It actually felt quite good to be cold for a change. But, never for too long in the cold for us. We could not take a whole winter now that our blood has thinned out this much.

Saint Pat's Day Royal Palm Yacht Club Gig

Saint Pat’s Day Royal Palm Yacht Club Gig

But, to experience a brisk cold once in a while is so different from ‘feels like 107 degrees” we hear on our weather reports here in the summer, that we did enjoy it.

We had on hats then too. Warm hats are something I have quite the collection of in my northern home. I used to wear those hats on stage when playing up north.

Now I wear my southern hats when playing outside down here in the South.

Did I forget to mention that I went back to the natural color of my hair?

What can I say?

I am that black Irish, brown-eyed, auburn-haired, white-Irish-skinned, Irish Kathleen colleen.

And now, I am a Southerner who lives on a sailboat on an island in the tropics….and loves every minute of it.

I have found my home.

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